Electric multi-movement bed with bathroom

4,600.0 SAR

78 Item sold in last 3 month
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SKU: 001008012606 Category: , Tag:

Electric multi-movement bed, suitable for bedridden people, equipped with a compartment and the mattress is equipped with a seat opening to provide

Maximum comfort for the patient, and the bed can be turned to the right and left side, which helps reduce bed sores.


Specifications of a multi-movement electric bed with a bath:

  • Electric bed for patients, for home use and hospital use.
  • Suitable for people with high weights or large sizes.
  • Aluminum side rails are adjustable for lifting and lowering.
  • The bed is connected to a stationary electrical source and is controlled by a remote control.
  • Electric bed multiple movements:
  1. Adjustment of the degree of inclination of the back of the bed.
  2. Adjustment of the position of the feet.
  3. Adjusting the bed to a sitting position.
  4. Flipping to the right and left side.
  • A special mattress for the bed is flexible and fits the bed positions.
  • The bed is equipped with a compartment and the mattress has a seat opening to help the patient relieve himself.
  • The bed mattress is enveloped by a leather cover that prevents leakage of liquids, is antibacterial.
  • Both the mattress and the bed are sterilizable by standard sterilization methods.
  • The price includes a bed with a mattress.
  • طول السرير 200 سم وعرضه 100 سم.

ما يوفره السرير للمريض:

  • تساعد وضعيات السرير على تحريك جسم المريض وتنشيط الدورة الدموية.
  • تساعد حركات السرير الأشخاص ذوي القدرة المحدودة على استخدام السرير.
  • حواجز جانبية لحماية المريض من السقوط ومساعدته على الحركة.
  • The presence of a potty helps the patient to relieve the need.
  • حرية أكبر للمريض تمكنه من التحكم واختيار الوضعية الأفضل من خلال جهاز التحكم.
  • يوفر السرير الكثير من الوقت والمجهود البدني على مقدمي الرعاية للمريض.

Warranty information :

The warranty is against manufacturing defects only and the defect is reported to us within 24 hours and the carton is not destroyed . Please read Exchange and return policy

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