Gracia hand cream 100ml with chamomile extract
11.5 SAR Tax inclusive
كريم تنعيم اليدين جراسيا هو منتج رائع للحفاظ على صحة وجمال اليدين. إنه غني بمكونات طبيعية، بفوائد البابونج ، التي تعمل على ترطيب البشرة وتغذيتها وحماية من الجفاف والتشقق. كريم تنعيم اليدين جراسيا سهل الاستخدام وسريع الامتصاص، مما يترك يديك ناعمة ونضرة طوال اليوم.
Moisturizing Hand Cream intended for daily care of hands and nails guarantees their excellent condition. It is recommended for all skin types, especially dry, sensitive, prone to daily household chores, frequent contact with detergents and harmful external factors (wind, sun, chlorinated water).
مميزات جراسيا كريم اليدين 100مل بخلاصة البابونج| Gracia Protective Hand Cream 100ML
- جرسيا كريم اليدين 100مل للحماية من الجفاف يحتوى علي العديد من الخلاصات مثل البابونج.
- It contains vitamin E, Vitamin D, Panthenol and glycerin.
- Possesses smoothing and moisturizing properties of the skin.
- Improves the elasticity and smoothness of the skin of the hand.
- Easy to spread and quickly absorbed.
- Thanks to the ingredients, the cream provides instant relief, effectively protects, softens and moisturizes the skin of hands and nails.
- It prevents hands from cracking, eliminates dryness and a feeling of tight skin.
- The light, non-greasy formula makes the cream easy to spread and absorb.
Method of use :
The hands are washed well and after washing the hands are anointed and let the hands absorb the cream
The package comes with 100 ml
Industry :
Polish industry
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